All your jobs in one

convenient place!

Post jobs on iinView and let them spread.

Creating job posts on iinView gets your job in front of iinView candidates. When any candidate tracks your job, your team is notified to see if they are qualified. Plus, the more candidates that track your job, the more exposure it gets.

Team Collaboration allows you to find the best candidates.

When you attach a candidate to a job post, your entire team can review their profile and videos. Now your team can all have input on the hiring process, regardless of location or schedule. This type of collaboration allows you to make the right hire every time.

Find the best candidates with LeadTracker.

When you post a job, you can use your LeadTracker to attach the most qualified candidates to that post. You can even invite candidates to track that job. Now you’ll never lose track of a great candidate again.

Iinview for Employers helps you find the best candidates. Request beta access now.

We are still working on iinView for Employers. Request an Invite to our beta launch and we will notify you when it’s ready.